Net accumulations of on-budget entities

In the report below, you can view the net accumulations of on-budget entities according to the desired search terms. The report is very diverse and requires an understanding of central government and the structure of government finances.

The report lists all government on-budget earnings and expenses starting from 2010. By default, the report includes operating expense items since 2014. The hopper icon in the top right corner can be used to display filters that can be used to show all appropriations or other appropriations or, alternatively, revenue estimates only. You can also filter the view to show only the desired items or budget accounts. (Note! In the budget account menu, the transferred deferrable appropriation is listed as a separate item in contrast to the item menu.) The view can also be filtered by account category, account type and/or LKP account (i.e. commercial account).

In the top menus, you can select the desired administrative branch, accounting unit and/or account group.

Unfortunately, the report is currently only available in Finnish.