Information management map of public administration

The information management map of public administration describes the way in which information management is organised in public administration. The map allows actors to plan and develop the interoperability of public administration information pools and information systems.

The purpose of the map is to provide different actors with a general view of what the key information pools in public administration are, what information is maintained and how the information they contain is utilised, how is the disclosure of information between different information pools organised, and under what conditions could the actors access the information. The information management map allows actors to better assess the impacts that extensive administrative or structural changes may have on the actors responsible for information management and on their information management practices and procedures.

The information management map of public administration is a regularly maintained dataset. It is publicly available and can be freely used.

Content of the information management map

The information management map provides an overview based on existing regulation of the information pools and disclosures of the public administration, as well as the actors responsible for and utilising the information. The content of the information management map will be further developed to promote interoperability.

The content in the information management map is only available in Finnish.

The map published in May 2024 contains information on

  • the shared information pools in public administration: name, purpose, information content and the authorities responsible for maintenance.
  • the disclosure of information from shared information pools: what information is disclosed, to whom and for what purpose.
  • the statutory duties of public administration authorities: duties of central government agencies and public bodies, municipalities and wellbeing services counties. Data concerning the Central government consists of tasks laid down for government agencies and public bodies. Especially the tasks laid down in the special acts are not included in the data for the time being.

The map contains information on information pools from different sectors that are, under law, to be shared. This does not include information on all information pools for which there are specific provisions, or for which there are no separate national provisions.

How to use the information management map

You can use different views to examine the content of the information management map. You can also download information displayed in the view for your own use.

The information pools view shows information on the shared information pools of public administration. In the view, you can select one or more information pools or all information pools included in the map. You can also choose which information in the selected pools you want to examine.

The information disclosure view shows details of disclosable information contained in shared information pools. In the view, you can select one or more information pools or all information pools included in the map. You can also choose which details regarding disclosures in the selected pools you want to examine.

The statutory duties of public administration authorities are divided into three separate data sets showing details of duties of central government agencies and public bodies, municipalities and wellbeing services counties. Data on the selected operating environment can be viewed either by using visualisation or in table format.

In accordance with the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019) the Ministry of Finance is responsible for the maintenance of the information management map of public administration. The Ministry of Finance ensures that information for the map is specified in such a way that it forms coherent, consistent and fit-for-purpose datasets. According to the Act on Information Management in Public Administration, each ministry shall, within its own mandate, see to the up-to-dateness of the contents of the information management map. Ministries use the information management map for the governance of interoperability in public administration, especially when preparing legislation on information pools.

To ensure the usability of information, the map shows it mainly in the form used in legislation and in official sources, or as generalisations derived from these. It should be noted that the information management map is not the primary or official source of information on information pools in public administration or on information disclosures. When using information provided in the map, the user must always ensure that the procedures and data maintenance processes that support the user’s own information management are capable of dealing with situations in which the structure or content of information presented in the information management map changes.


Detailed explanations of the content in the information management map are available here (pdf).

The concepts and forms in which information is presented in legislation vary. To facilitate information retrieval, the map uses keywords to describe the content of information pools and disclosures. More details on the grouping of information in the information management map with explanations (in Finnish, pdf).

The map provides an overview of the information pools and the necessary identifiers (authorities, name of the information pool, statute number), which can be used to find more detailed information on the matter. The information in the map is not exhaustive, and some information may be incomplete.

Last update 15.5.2024.

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the content of the information management map of public administration in the service.

In matters regarding the information management map of public administration, please contact the Ministry of Finance at