Municipalities in crisis and criteria for crisis

The report contains views of the criteria for municipalities in crisis and whether they are met by municipality in the form of tables, charts and map views. The tables allow you to sort the municipalities based on the criteria that has been met or based on any other column by clicking the heading of that column. You can also select the municipality you wish to view from the Municipality menu or select several municipalities by holding down the Ctrl key when you click them. You can also use the map view to see information about the municipality in more detail by moving the mouse over the map.

The Criteria for municipalities in crisis tab allows you to see if the limit values for indicators have been met by municipality. The Key Figures tab allows you to examine the accumulated deficit in municipalities and the proximity of the key figures to the limit values. The Summary tab contains a table and a map that show if the limit values and indicators for the criteria for municipalities in crisis have been met.